Science Journal

A hand reaching for help, symbolizing the challenges of loneliness and the importance of human connection discussed in the article.
This year has been challenging for countless reasons, whether it's a constant news cycle filled with disheartening news, a global pandemic that has drastically reconstructed life, economic uncertainty, and mass social unrest. One of the main results of the past...
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inulin fiber powder from blue agave plant
  Have you ever asked yourself ‘where does inulin fiber come from’? Well, inulin powder comes from the blue agave plant and that's one of the reasons why it’s potent.  It supports a healthy intestinal system, ridding the body of...
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Vitamin B6
  The vitamin B family is used to treat and maintain the nervous system, nerve compression injuries, and support a calm mood and adrenal. It also helps to break down proteins, carbs, and fat in the body that’s necessary for...
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An image of the words "L Tyrosine" written on a tile.
  Would you agree some days are more complicated than others? Paying attention to details and focusing are becoming problems, and what's with this mood lately? You know what it's not, that's the easy part. What can you do to...
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Image of a clock held by someone in bed highlighting the importance of a regular sleep schedule and routine for a better night's sleep.
If you are having trouble remembering things, it’s probably because you are not sleeping enough. You’re not the only one, 33% of Briton’s suffer from poor sleep. Sleep deprivation itself isn’t a disease but a byproduct of other illnesses or...
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